What is a Committee and what do they do?
Many people are surprised to learn that a Kindergarten Committee of Management (COM) is more than just a group of parents ‘helping out’. The Committee is a legal entity and members serve as the employers and are responsible for all managerial decisions of the kindergarten. A Kindergarten is not allowed to run without a complete and functioning Committee of Management, and as such parents are expected to fill the roles at the AGM when the existing COM resign.
How big is the Committee and how often do they meet?
ANK’s COM is made up of 15 voting positions and a number of non-voting sub-committees. The COM meet monthly during Kindergarten terms (10 meetings per year) at a date and time determined suitable by the COM. Other work is conducted between meetings.
Executive Members
Vice President
Voting Members
Kinder Support Coordinator
Policy Officer
Enrolments Officer (3yo & 4yo)
Fees Officer (3yo & 4yo)
Communications Coordinator
Grants Officer
Fundraising Officer
Event Coordinator
Staff Liaison & Wellbeing Officer
*(List does not include non-voting members)